それぞれの覚悟 Resolve
(青獅子の教室 昼)
Blue Lion Classroom | Daytime
フェリクス: ……で、どういうことだ、ディミトリ。そろそろ、説明してもらおうか。
Felix : Well, Dimitri? Are you finally going to tell us the damned truth?
ディミトリ: ………………?何の話だ?
Dimitri: What are you talking about?
アッシュ: アランデル公は、殿下とエーデルガルトを義理の姉弟だと言っていましたよね……?
Ashe: Didn't Lord Arundel say something about you and Edelgard being family?
イングリット: 義理とはいえ、王と皇帝が姉弟だなんて……いったい、どういうことなのですか。
Ingrid: To claim that the king and the emperor are related... Could it be?
ディミトリ: ……そういえば、まだ話していなかったな。先生には、ひととおり説明したんだが……。
Dimitri: Ah, I suppose I never told you, though I do recall mentioning it briefly to the professor...
Lord Arundel spoke the truth. My stepmother was Edelgard's birth mother.
Political turmoil drove my stepmother out of the Empire. Father fell in love with her at first sight and they married.
I lost my birth mother before I was old enough to remember her. My stepmother filled that role for me.
But she lost her life in Duscur nine years ago, along with Father.
フェリクス: ……いや待て。そんな話は初めて聞いた。そもそもお前に継母がいたことも……。
Felix: Hang on, I didn't even know she was your stepmother.
Did my father know about this?
ディミトリ: ああ。ロドリグを含めた、父に近しい者の間では、知られていることだった。
Dimitri: Yes. All those who were close to my father knew, including Rodrigue.
But to speak openly about it would have caused a scandal, and so she was our secret. No one in the general public knew about her.
Naturally, the fact that Edelgard and I are stepsiblings was kept a secret as well.
メルセデス: ……私、5年前のあなたの気持ちが、何となくだけど、理解できた気がするわ~。
Mercedes: I'm finally beginning to understand what you went through five years ago.
I mean, Edelgard is the only family you have left, isn't she?
To find out someone so precious to you is actually your most hated enemy... How heartbreaking.
アネット: えっと……でも、別の国で生まれ育ったなら姉弟でも、面識はなかったはずですよね?
Annette: But wait! You two were born and raised in two different territories, right? So you probably never met until you were both at the academy.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I think the idea of fighting family is just about the worst thing ever.
But hopefully the fact that she's a stepsister you never really knew helps with the pain... I don't know, it was just a thought.
ディミトリ: ……エーデルガルトは、わずかな間だが王都で暮らしていたことがある。
Dimitri: I am afraid that's not the case. Though it was only for a short time, Edelgard once called Fhirdiad home.
It was a long time ago, but she was a cherished friend of mine.
シルヴァン: ……あ、思い出しました! あれでしょ?あんたが短剣あげたっていう女の子!
Sylvain: Wait! I remember now! She was that girl, wasn't she? The one you gave a dagger to!
Heh, so your little girlfriend was Edelgard.
ディミトリ: ……あのな、シルヴァン。下世話な話なら、聞いてやるから後にしろ。
Dimitri: Sylvain. If you have any more foolish things to say, please hold them for later.
シルヴァン: ああいや、もちろんそれもありますけど……これは大事な話でもあるんですよ、殿下。
Sylvain: I do have a few more up my sleeve, but they can wait. Go on, Your Highness. This is important for us to hear.
フェリクス: 憎むべき仇といえど、皇帝はお前にとって古い友人であり、義姉なのだろう。
Felix: She may be a hated enemy now, but the emperor is your old friend and stepsister.
Can you bring yourself to kill her?
ディミトリ: ……斬る。
Dimitri: I will kill her... if I must.
But if there is any chance that the world she seeks to create could be a just one...
Then I... I would love to see a future in which I may reach out my hand for her and have her reach back.
That said, I have no intention of letting my personal feelings cloud my judgment. Too much is at stake.
reach on my hand~♪
アッシュ: あの、だけど……殿下は、皇帝と一度話をしたほうがいいと思います。
Ashe: Your Highness... I think you should meet with the emperor and at least try to talk to her.
If there's any hope of ending this war without more bloodshed, we have to try. Besides, killing your own family... I'm sorry, but it's not right.
ディミトリ: ……ああ、そうだな。俺も、それは……そう思うよ。
Dimitri: I...I think so too. And you are right that we should at least try.
Imperial Palace (Enbarr, the Imperial Capital)
エーデルガルト: ……そう。間違いなく、伯父様は討たれたのね。
Edelgard: I see. So my uncle's defeat is beyond doubt?
ヒューベルト: は、何度も確かめました。不幸中の幸いと言えましょうな。
Hubert: Yes, Your Majesty. I have confirmed it via countless channels. I advise that we accept this as a drop of joy amid a pool of sorrow.
エーデルガルト: 不幸と幸いの釣り合いが取れていないわ。
Edelgard: Pretty words, but I'm afraid we can't rest until the joy outweighs the sorrow.
And for that to happen, it now seems we must confront them all at once.
Dimitri, who took back Fhirdiad... Claude, who managed to protect the Alliance...
And that professor, who is successfully mobilizing the Knights of Seiros...
ヒューベルト: ……さて、陛下。いかがしますかな?
Hubert: What will you do, Your Majesty?
エーデルガルト: 戦線を下げて。西はアリアンロッドまで。東は……
Edelgard: Pull back our forces. In the west, to Arianrhod. In the east, to―
ヒューベルト: メリセウス要塞ですな。あそこ以外に抗せる場所はないですから。
Hubert: Fort Merceus, I presume? There is no better place for such a confrontation after all.
エーデルガルト: ええ、死神に守らせて。時間稼ぎにはなるでしょう。
Edelgard: Indeed. And dispatch the Death Knight to guard it. He can buy us some time.
In the meantime, I will―
ヒューベルト: ……言っておきますが、私は反対です。戻れぬ危険がわずかでもあるのですよ。
Hubert: Forgive me, but I must speak bluntly. I do not agree with what you intend to do. Though slight, there is a chance that once done, it cannot be undone.
エーデルガルト: 私とて、時には手段を選ばない。これが私の道なのよ……
Edelgard: Even I cannot choose the direction my path leads me. There is no other way. And so, I must walk on.